Коллекция фигурок bbi от Blue Box
Производитель - китайская компания Blue Box, о которой речь в другой статье, там же ссылка на сайт производителя, это пример качественных и интересных (для мальчишек в первую очередь) коллекционных игрушек китайского производства.
Есть также 3D-пазлы и лошади, самые разные.

Фигурка Werewolf, ВервульфKnown also as Lycan and fabled as men transforming into wolves, these historical monsters were said to have used the spirit of the wolf to enhance their power and ferocity in battle and to increase their immunity to pain.

Рыцарь с мечомKnight with Axe

Трёхголовый дракон - Triple Head DragonAlso known as Triplex, these powerful serpent like creatures roamed the skies preying on other life forms. Because of the three heads these creatures needed to feed daily upon molten hot lave to sustain their fire breath.

Минотавр фигурка - Minotaur, получеловек-полубыкA half-man, half-bull creature from Greek mythology. The Minotaur dwelt at the centre of the Labyrinth which was a complex maze built by King Minos of Crete in an effort to imprison the Minotaur.

Pony Tale - Thoroughbred

Игровой набор с арабской лошадьюArabian Horse PlaysetThe Arabian horse is known for its finely chiseled bone structure, concave profile, arched neck, comparatively level croup, high-carried tail. It is a breed of horse that originated in the Middle East in a desert climate. Arabians dominate the discipline of endurance riding, and compete today in many fields of equestrian activity.

игровой набор с другой лошадьюTwin Stables - Palomino Horse PlaysetThe Palomino is usually characterized by a gold coat, white mane and tail. The Palomino is a multi-purpose horse. They are admired not only for their beauty but for their versatility, maneuverability, and endurance. They are to be found in ranching, racing, rodeos, pleasure riding, parades, shows, fiestas, jumping, trail rides, and all other equine activities.

Лошади только не к месту. А солдатики хорошо сделаны.
Ой, заметил что к месту. Тут же написано.