Паровозики Чаггингтон
Chuggington - международная компьютерная анимация телесериала для детей производства Ludorum PLC; вещание в 175 странах по всему миру, включая BBC.
Действие происходит в вымышленном городе Chuggington, сюжет - о приключениях трех молодых стажеров - это Локомотивы (или Стажеры
), зовут их Уилсон, Брюстер и Коко. На протяжении каждого эпизода паровозики познают, что такое дружба, говорят правду, внимательно слушают друг друга. Они помогают в бедственной ситуации, мирно разрешают конфликты, и т.п. - в общем, они живут. :-)
Центр города Chuggington состоит из больших современных зданий, за городом - фермы, парк сафари, карьеры. Есть ещё и "старый" Чаггингтон. Есть, по крайней мере, три железнодорожных тоннеля под центром города, которые могут быть использованы по назначению.
В начале 2010 года были выпущены первые игрушки паровозики Chuggington. Паровозики интерактивные, могут распознавать друг друга и общаться. Технология "Smart Talk" позволяет паровозикам хранить до 300 фраз. Так что паровозики даже разговаривают друг с другом (насколько "разумные" у них получаются разговоры - пока не знаю :-) ). Есть также Mega Bloks Chuggington.
В Штатах продаются также пазлы Чаuuингтон, игры, наборы для творчества, головоломки.
У меня таких игрушек пока нет, они и в России продаются тоже. Они есть как по отдельности, так и наборами, а есть и специальные стоянки для них - в виде огромного паровоза. В общем, интересные игрушки - для мальчишек в первую очередь, отлично в подарок. Паровозики сами по себе красивые, и сделаны качественно.
Chuggington Die-Cast - серия игрушек по мотивам мультфильма "Веселые паровозики из Чаггингтона", который очень любят мальчики и девочки 3-4-х лет. А также взрослые коллекционеры. :-) Серия включает забавные яркие паровозики, сделанные из металла, и игровые наборы. Все игрушки отличает отличное качество, стильный продуманный дизайн, они заинтересуют и надолго займут детей.
Некоторые паровозики и наборы имеют световые и звуковые эффекты. Паровозики Chuggington не моторизованы! Их можно катать как вперёд, так и назад!
Стартовый набор
Стартовый набор
самое начало для городка Чаггингтон.
В наборе вы найдете двух героев паровозиков – Брюстера и Вилсона.
Также игрушка укомплектована железнодорожным полотном, стрелкой, знаком, столбом с громкоговорителем и шлагбаумом....
Дополнительно можно докупать наборы рельс.
Трек с мостом
Набор позволяет использовать и другие паровозики городка Чаггингтон.
После запуска пусковым механизмом они быстро съезжают по спиральному мосту, а затем перепрыгивают через раздвижной мостик.
Трек с мёртвой петлёй
Паровозику Вилсону из набора надо преодолеть разные препятствия, головокружительные спуски и подъемы.
Отправившись из депо, паровозик спускается по спиральной железной дороге, у основания которой его ожидает грязевой затор. Ребенок освобождает Вилсона, после чего паровозик мчится к мертвой петле...
Официальный сайт -
Chuggington is an international computer-animated television series for children produced by Ludorum plc and broadcast in 175 territories throughout the world including the BBC children's channel CBeebies.
Chuggington currently airs on the Disney Channel Disney Junior’s preschool block in the United States. The series is set in the fictional town of Chuggington, and follows the adventures of three young trainee locomotives, (or "Trainees"), named Wilson, Brewster and Koko. Throughout each episode the Trainees learn the value of loyal friendship, telling the truth, listening carefully, persisting under adversity, completing tasks, resolving conflict without violence, and many similar important life values.
The town of Chuggington itself has a central area of large modern buildings; some of the scenes go out into countryside which includes a farm, safari park and quarry. "Old Chuggington" - an apparently abandoned and overgrown town is frequently mentioned and visited. There are at least 3 railway tunnels under the town centre which can be used by all trains. The backgrounds and scenery are all computer-generated, and there are turning-camera and moving-camera shots.
Production. Производство
The computer animation was produced using Autodesk Maya software.
As well as the regular 10 minute episodes Chuggington Badge Quest, a collection of 4 minute shorter shows, has been produced. These focus on the "Trainees" efforts to earn various reward badges as part of their "Chugger" training.
Three Chuggington specials have been commissioned for release on DVD from 2013 onwards.
Broadcast details. Подробности истории мультика
The first series of 52 episodes was sold to broadcasters including the BBC, ABC (Australia), TF1 (France) and Super RTL (Germany) in a deal announced in February 2008. A second series of 26 episodes was purchased by the BBC and many other broadcasters throughout the world. Aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 6, Chuggington made its UK debut as a "soft launch" on BBC Two on 22 September 2008. In January 2009 it was moved to CBeebies, the BBC's children's television channel.
Chuggington debuted in the United States with localized dubbing on January 18, 2010 on Playhouse Disney which was renamed Disney Junior on February 14, 2011. The second series premiered in the U.S. on the same day. Currently Disney Junior airs Chuggington daily, and features "Chuggington" on their website.
Characters. Герои
Brewster, Koko, and Wilson are the Trainees
and main characters in Chuggington. With the help of experienced Chuggers,
the Trainees learn to ride the rails by completing daily tasks and badge quests.
Trainees. Поезда Чаггингтон
- Вилсон - Wilson (voiced by Morgan Overton in U.K. Series 1 and 2 and Tony Terraciano in U.S. season 1 and 2) is a lively red engine based upon an EMD F-unit. His enthusiasm is opposed by his short attention span, and most of his adventures revolve around not paying attention.
- Брюстер - Brewster (voiced by Charlie George in U.K. Series 1 and 2 and Miles J Harvey in U.S. season 1 and 2) is a strong diesel-electric locomotive built for heavy loads. He is painted in British Rail blue with yellow face; Brewster is similar to a BR Deltic diesel engine, but with a single end-cab. He likes to haul heavy loads on pick-ups, and often picks up too much when he does. Other Chuggers may rush when given a task, but Brewster asks questions if he is unsure. He is dependable and can be relied on when there is trouble.
- Коко - Koko (voiced by Imogen Bailey in the U.K series 1 and 2, and Brigid Harrington in the U.S. season 1 and 2) is an electric engine, modelled on the bullet train. She is coloured green and purple, and was built for high speed. She loves to explore and have adventures, and to challenge her friends to a dare or a race. Although she can get into mischief, she always means well and knows when to apologise.
- Хут и Тут (близнецы, брат с сестрой) - Hoot and Toot are twins. They are always seen joined back-to-back, but in at least two episodes by strong pulling they manage to separate. Toot is green, female and has blue eyes; Hoot is blue, male and has green eyes - he is also red-green colourblind.
Other train characters. Другие герои
- Калли - Calley is the small shunting engine who is normally seen shunting rolling stock. She is Dunbar's assistant and helps in training the Trainees. She is also the 'Emergency Chugger' who is sent to rescue stranded chuggers, and is fitted with siren and flashing light; she also has a range of emergency rolling stock that she can use to get the other Chuggers out of trouble – such as a fuel car, firefighting car and crane car.
- Данбар - Dunbar is the large shunting engine. He is largely responsible for the training of the trainee Chuggers. He is in a dark green livery, and is based on GM Electro-Motive diesel locomotives like the EMD GP38-2.
- Эмери - Emery is the Rapid Transit train often to be seen on elevated lines or in underground tunnels. He is based on the Urban Transportation Development Corporation Intermediate Capacity Transit System Scarborough RT-type electric train. He likes tricking and harassing other trains into thinking that they have a problem. He is the only engine who carries an additional carriage or truck with him permanently, although in at least two episodes, he disconnects his carriage to go faster. He often announces his actions with transit announcements. His right eye is green and his left eye is blue.
- Гаррисон - Harrison is a large blue engine resembling a Union Pacific Railroad M-10003 series diesel and is usually considered to be the fastest engine in Chuggington.
- Ирвинг - Irving is a small red engine who handles the rubbish and recycling chores around the depot; he is proud to boast that nothing is thrown away in Chuggington.
- Мтамбо - M'tambo is the safari park ranger and garbage-handling engine, and works around the safari park and handling the rubbish and recycling, giving tours to visitors. He speaks with an African (possibly Kenyan) accent.
- Ходж - Hodge (built from a hodge-podge of parts) is the run-around chugger, who normally works with Eddie the handyman. He is a bit like a pick-up truck, and often is tasked with taking the rubbish to the recycling yard. With his "seen it all" attitude, it takes a lot to get Hodge excited.
- Зефи - Zephie is a young scissor-lift trolley. Unlike the other chuggers, she can spin around and scissor up and down to lift her 'cab', which allows Eddie to work on things not normally accessible. She is flighty, giggly, girly and fun. She knows when it's time to get to work, too.
- Старый паровоз Пит - Old Puffer Pete is the oldest chugger in Chuggington, a steam locomotive who is apparently 150 years old. Pete loves passing his wisdom on to the trainees or anyone who is willing to listen. He drives them mad with his endless stories (which often get him confused), and can never remember their names, but they're very fond of him. He is a cross between Union Pacific No. 119 and a DRG class 62.
- Чатсворф - Chatsworth is an older well-spoken train who generally performs the same tasks as Harrison. He is based on a Baldwin Sharknose locomotive.
- Олвин - Olwin is a older motherly steam locomotive resembling the British streamlined train LNER Class A4, who refers to the "trainees" as her "little chugg-a-chuggs". Olwin's coal is stored just forward of the cab making her a tank locomotive, instead of a tender. Prior to series 2, Olwin's coal bunker is taken away and replaced with a tender.
- Фростини - Frostini is the Italian ice cream train, popular with the children of Chuggington and seen by the trainees as very cool. He is normally seen handing out ice-creams or at the factory working on a creation.
- Чаггер (пыхтелка) - Action Chugger is the movie screen train super hero, also popular with the children of Chuggington and seen by the trainees as very cool. He responds to emergencies after being informed by a flashing red light on his nose that he is needed. He can unfold parts of his sides into short wings, each with a jet motor under, and fly. After flying he always lands on a railway track. Action Chugger's range extends at least as far as low
Earth orbit.
- Скоростной Мак Алистер - Speedy McAllister is a large fast steam locomotive in that appears based on the CNW Class E-4 locomotives minus the tender. Speedy is somewhat gruff and blunt in character but means well and is helpful to experienced chuggers and trainees alike. He prefers more industrial jobs as opposed to those with a high degree of customer relations. Speedy's whistle is the deepest and loudest of the three steam locomotives in Chuggington. Speedy's voice in the U.K. is Scottish but in the U.S. it is Western.
Piper, Decka&Skylar are new characters who will be introduced in the third series, due to be broadcast in 2012.
Очень хорошие игрушки. У нас есть один паровозик - блюстер. Сделаны и правда качественно. Но они маленькие и тяжеленькие. Сделаны из метала и очень качественно окрашены. Подойдёт и тем детям которые не смотрели мультик. Кстати из-за красивой расцветки паровозики подходят не только мальчикам , но и девочкам.
Мне они как раз и нравятся своей "мультяшностью" - яркие, добрые. У нас пока нету, но в планах. Очень привлекает то, что они металлические - это редкость сегодня.
Да метал, это явный плюс данного изделия и ещё благодаря нему игрушки практически не убиваемые!
Вот-вот, неубиваемые машинки - для мальчишек это важно! И для взрослых тоже: к таким игрушкам относишься серьёзно - сильное искушение начать их собирать! Потому как они не поломаются, ещё внуки играть будут. :-))
А ещё - смотрю, эти паровозики действительно очень нравятся девчонкам: их у меня теперь все просят. :-)) Независимо от пола и возраста. :-)
Да можно сказать, что это девчачьи игрушки. а то, что они не ломаются и для девочек хорошо. И ещё один плюс в том, что им не требуются рельсы. То есть такие есть, но паровоз ездит и по полу и по ткани, и по неровной поверхности( на улице например)
Наши любимые Чаггингтон паровозики :-)
Первая компании - 5 паровозиков
Подарили ребенку паровозики, но не можем разобраться, они сами ездят по рельсам, или их надо возить руками. Кто знает, подскажите
Они разных серий бывают. Если вагончики металлические небольшие (8 - 10 см длиной каждый), то просто так катаем. Но есть серии, которые по рельсам ездят.
Нам больше всего нравятся металлические, которые просто так катать.