Шьём сову
Эти замечательные совы на фотографиях - от мастерицы из Бостона, Mimi Kirchner.
Как такую сову сшить - в общем, можно догадаться по фотографиям.
Сшить такую сову можно из разных тканей, они могут быть самого разного цвета. Лучше всего шить из шерстяных плотных тканей. Белая - это снежная сова. Набиты игрушки "скользкой" и очень податливой набивкой. Набивать тоже можно шерстью, обрезками шерстяных тканей, и т.п.
Сайт - mimikirchner.com/blog/
He is stuffed with slippery
stuffing and is very squeezable (huggable?). We used this type of stuffing for all the classes and I learned some useful things about it. Firstly, it is much easier to stuff a large open space- like the owl or the baby- with this type of stuffing. It seems to expand to fill the space.
Магазин Мими - www.etsy.com/shop/MimiKirchner
Совы, мягкие игрушки своими руками

Серая сова.

Белая снежная сова.

Совы, сшитые на мастер-классе у Мими.

Совы и рыбы.

This horned owl is made from a variety of wool fabrics in shades of brown, gray and beige. The main body fabric is a gray wool knit with cables, reclaimed from a sweater. The wings are zig-zagged in black, brown and gray, the face is beige wool, and the ears are brown wool. The owl is 12" (31cm) tall to the top of his ears.

Gray owl with cables - сова со спинки.

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This horned owl is made from a variety of wool fabrics in shades of brown. The main body fabric is a tweedy woven wool fabric. The ears are made from the ribbing of a brown wool sweater. The owl is 11 1/2" (30cm) tall to the top of his ears.

Tweedy Brown Owl - портрет.

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This horned owl is made from a variety of wool fabrics in shades of brown. The main body fabric is a tweedy woven wool fabric. The top of the head is a super soft cashmere. The wings a soft wool/angora blend. The ears are made from of brown wool. The owl is 11" tall to the top of his ears.

Original one-of-a-kind design, warm wool owl doll made from reclaimed and washed wool. This doll is meant as an art piece, although there are no loose part that would be a hazard for a child.

The doll is stuffed with wool stuffing and wool scraps.

This sweet faced little owl is made from a variety of upcycled fabrics in shades of gray. This owl is made of a wool and alpaca knit fabric. The owl is 10 1/2" tall.

Портрет серой совы. Original one-of-a-kind design, warm wool owl doll made from recycled, washed and felted wool. This doll is meant as an art piece, although there are no loose part that would be a hazard for a child.

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Make your own cuddly Night Friend- this pillow doll owl is a perfect accessory for any age or gender- looks great on a bed or sofa. Your owl can be made eco-friendly with recycled wool clothing. Included are instructions for a horned owl and for a snowy owl. The pattern makes an owl approximately 11" tall, but the size depends on the stretch of the fabric used.

Supplies needed for this project include- largest piece of fabric is for the owl body- 15" x 18" of fabric or 1 wool sweater, all other pieces are cut from smaller pieces of fabric and felt. 1 lb stuffing, embroidery floss to match your fabrics and bits of felt (black and yellow for eyes), basic sewing supplies like needle and thread.

Совы в мастерской.