Выставка кукол IDEX 2012
26-29 января будет проходить выставка кукол IDEX 2012.
Международная выставка кукол IDEX в Орландо, Флорида, США.
Выставка - для коллекционеров кукол любых направлений - fashion куклы, классические куклы, авторские... любые!
The show offers something for doll collectors of all interests—from ball-jointed dolls to fashion dolls, classic collector favorites and more.
Additionally, exciting events will roll out the Debut of Dolls, a Roaring ’20s BJD Extravaganza, Tiny Treasures Contest and Awards, and so much more. DOLLS magazine will also be in attendance to present Maggie Iacono with the Jones Publishing Lifetime Achievement Award. Make sure to pre-register for workshops and events before they are sold out.
Адрес проведения выставки:
Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld®
6677 Sea Harbor Drive
Orlando, Florida 32821
United States
Подробнее - на сайте - www.regonline.com/builder/site/tab3.aspx?EventID=942999.
Call 1-800-266-9432 or 1-506-474-2009 and mention IDEX
Courtney Carter
Email: ccarter@madavor.com
Мероприятия выставки
Публикую на английском - кто пойдёт, тот языком наверное хорошо владеет. :-) Будет проводиться много самых разных мастер-классов, можно пообщаться с мастерами-кукольниками всего мира, и т.п.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
9 am – 1 pm
6677 Sea Harbor DrOrlando, FL 32821
Rooting Your Reborn with Laurie Sánchez
Learn the techniques to master rooting with IDEX Tiny Treasures award-winning reborn artist, Laurie Sánchez of Fruit of the Womb Nursery. Sánchez will share her rooting method using German rooting needles as you root your own vinyl head. Students will also learn how to root eyelashes, secure mohair, make magnetic pigtails, and cut/style hair to achieve natural-looking results. Students must bring painted vinyl doll head, soft toothbrush, tweezers, scissors. Materials provided include premium mohair and German rooting needles.
Difficulty level: some skills required.
Price: $120
9 am – 5 pm
Intermediate Genesis Painting with Stephanie Sullivan
Go beyond creating an average reborn doll to a fool-the-eye realistic reborn by learning painting techniques with artist Stephanie Sullivan HunnyBuns Dolls. Build your knowledge step-by-step from first foundations through all the layers and details that achieve the most realistic effects, including veining, capillaries, newborn mottling, painted eyebrows with texture, and painted hair. Students must bring: any additional reborn supplies they wish to use. Materials provided: one preemie-sized vinyl doll kit, Genesis paints, mediums, sponges, professional Reborner’s Select & Brush Set by Loew Cornell, small ceramic palettes, and heatguns.
Difficulty level: some skill required.
Карта - место проведения выставки, Орландо, Флорида.
Price: $195
9:30 am – 5 pm
Art of Reborn Dollmaking with Diana Mosquera and Sharon Azzinnaro
Get step-by-step instructions on how to transform your vinyl doll kit into a realistic-looking baby using Genesis heat-set paints and mediums. IDEXs award-winning artists Sharon Azzinnaro and Diana Mosquera will teach you how to create living skin, 3-D painting, milk bumps, spit bubbles, and more. Students must bring: a preemie doll kit, X-Acto knife, and artist brushes. Materials provided: Genesis paints, palette, sponges, loaner heat gun. Students may purchase a doll kit in class for $29 and a set of brushes for $19.
Difficulty level: easy.
Price: $150
11 am – 4 pm
Design & Construction of a BJD with Joe MacPhale
Ancient Whispers’ ball-jointed dolls (BJDs) are balanced and stand on their own without the aid of a doll stand. Learn the fundamental elements and construction of the BJD, from joint placement to assembly and positioning, with artist Joe MacPhale of Ancient Whispers. Students should have the knowledge of how to fully sculpt a doll. Students will finish one joint construction and placement. Students must bring: sculpting tools, jewelry pliers, X-Acto™ knife, round nose pliers, needle nose pliers, wire cutters, white small flat brushes, and glasses/hands-free magnifies if needed. Materials provided: polymer clay, pins, glue, and sandpaper.
Difficulty level: advanced skills required. Price: $130
1 pm – 5 pm
Creating Your Masterpiece with Beverly Stoehr
Learn the fundamentals of sculpting a small baby’s head with artist Beverly Stoehr of Beverly Stoehr Originals. Attendees will also learn the basics of proportions and the art of molding. All materials provided.
Difficulty level: easy.
Price: $100
6 pm - 8 pm
Opening Reception for Buyers & Exhibitors
Stop by and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and drinks and mingle with new friends and old to kick off IDEX 2012. This is a free event for all buyers and exhibitors but please register as space is limited.
Price: FREE
Friday, January 27, 2012
9 am – 10 am
Marketing that Works in a Down Economy with Clyde Volpe
Kick off a new year by learning how to avoid the mistakes most businesses make with their marketing budget with Clyde Volpe of Unlimited Advertising Results and discover the advantages and disadvantages of all your advertising media choices.
Difficulty level: easy.
Price: $20
9 am - Noon
Travel in Style with Durelle Brown
Make your own vintage-inspired three-piece luggage set—pullman, train case, and hat box—for 16-inch dolls with Durelle Brown of Demi-Divas by Durelle. Students must bring: scissors, clear straight edge, and a large seam ripper.
Difficulty level: some skills required.
Price: $50
9 am – 5:00 pm
Sculpting a Newborn Baby’s Head with Pat Moulton
Discover how to sculpt on a fetal skull armature with award-winning artist Pat Moulton of Pat Moulton’s Baby Collection. Students will learn to sculpt a newborn baby’s head with all the realistic features of a newborn.Students should wear light-colored clothing. All materials provided.
Difficulty level: some skill required.
Price: $150
11 am - Noon
Promoting Your Business Through Social Media
Started on a dare, Rebekah Kaufman has taken her lifelong love of vintage Steiff teddy bears, dolls, and animals and built a dynamic community of vintage Steiff collectors and a thriving global business exclusively through social media channels—on her couch with her pugs on her lap. Come learn how she did this—and you can too—by leveraging basic, free online tools including blogs, Skype, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube.
Price: free
3 pm – 4:30 pm
High Tea with Berdine Creedy
What would IDEX be without Berdine Creedy’s much-anticipated High Tea event, where Creedy fans gather to spend time with the artist and hear stories of her travels, to find out what’s new for the year, to participate in giveaways, and more. You will experience a 6 weeks journey in South Africa of Lettie the Tea Time Girl. For more information about this event, please contact Berdine Creedy at berdine@berdinecreedy.com
Price with doll included: $210
Price with tea only: $27
6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Debut of Dolls and DOTY Awards Banquet
Doll Reader magazine is hosting the 6th annual Debut of Dolls artist signing event in conjunction with the presentation of the 2012 Doll of the Year (DOTY) Industry’s Choice awards. Doll Reader will also be celebrating its 40th Anniversary. Be the first to receive this annual collector’s edition of the magazine and get your copy autographed by your favorite artists. Following the artist signing cocktail reception, join Doll Reader for a banquet dinner, raffle prizes, and the announcement of the DOTY Industry’s Choice award winners.
Price: $85
Gregg Ortiz will be the Show Director / Producer to ensure this event is the most memorable ever!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
9 am - 11 am
Maggie Made Dolls presents fairy tales with a twist, an original video presentation that will begin with Once Upon a Time, and end with Happily Ever After. Its what happens in the middle that will be fun, and Maggie will present each guest with an exclusive 11 souvenir doll. For more information or to register for this event, please contact Maggie Made Dolls directly at maggiemadedolls@verizon.net or 1-610-269-2120. www.maggiemadedolls.com.
Price: $350
9 am – Noon
Primate Painting Techniques with Diana Mosquera and Sharon Azzinnaro
Join sculpting artist Sharon Azzinnaro and Diana Mosquera, winner of IDEX’s Tiny Treasures Best Reborn Monkey award, to learn the techniques for creating a lifelike monkey. They will show you how to use Genesis paints and mediums to produce textured animal skin, present the types of mohair to use, and demonstrate how to root the hair and eyelashes. Students must bring: a vinyl primate kit, used artist paint brushes, and a cloth bag to transport your primate in. Materials provided: Genesis paint/mediums and loaner heat gun. Students may purchase, in class, Sharon Azzinnaro’s lifelike baby gorilla kit for discounted price of $49.99. Difficulty level easy. Price: $95
9 am - Noon
Sweet Face-Up Awesome Airbrush by Joe MacPhale
Attendees will be shown the elements and techniques of proper assembly and use of the airbrush by artist Joe MacPhale of Ancient Whispers. Different types of airbrush techniques will be discussed as well as what type of airbrush is best for face-ups. Students will apply these techniques on one of the face paints provided and will learn the art of fine-tuning with a liner brush and application of details like painted eyelashes, eyebrows, and false eyelashes. Students will leave with a complete face plate to take home! Attendees should bring a small cuticle scissors and close-up glasses or hand-free magnifiers if needed.Difficulty level: some skills required. Price. $120
10 am - Noon
Steiff Identification/Valuation Clinic
Steiff expert Rebekah Kaufman will be on hand to help identify and propose a value for your collectible Steiff piece. Kaufman will discuss the history, place, and timeline of your Steiff teddy bear or stuffed animal, as well as interesting facts about each piece. She will also be able to tell you how much your piece may be worth on eBay, for insurance purposes, and a quick sell (ie if you wanted to sell your piece that day). Those who wish to participate in the clinic may bring a maximum of three Steiff items.
Price: general show floor admission requires + $5 donation to be given to a local charity. Please note: valuation items are limited to 3 per person.
12:30 pm – 2 pm
Under and Over with Connie Lowe
Using antiqued basic corsets provided, attendees will decorate two OOAK corsets for their ball-jointed dolls (BJDs) with Connie Lowe of Marbled Halls. A variety of antique trims will be offered, so each corset will be unique. Two sizes will be available and can be worn either under or over a costume. They’ll most likely be too lovely to hide! Although these are designed for BJDs, they can be used on a variety of dolls, including antique dolls. All materials will be provided. Basic hand sewing skills will help but are not required.
Difficulty level: easy.
Price: $60
12:30 pm – 4 pm
Needle Felting a Jointed Teddy Bear with Irene Heckel-Volpe
Discover the basics skills for needle felting with Irene Heckel-Volpe of Irene Heckel Originals and create a string-jointed teddy bear to take home and love Attendees may bring a needle, thread, and scissors, although not required. All materials will be provided.
Difficulty level: some skill required.
Price: $95
1:00 pm - 3 pm
Ellowyne Wilde Invites IDEX Attendees to an Afternoon of Tea and (sigh...) Ennui
Join Ellowyne Wilde for an afternoon of tea and ennui. A light dessert will be served, along with a hint of boredom and woe. Robert Tonner and Debra DeForte of Wilde Imagination will present a unique program, along with a special Ellowyne dress doll for each attendee.
This event is limited to 120 attendees.
Price: $160 and includes an exclusive Ellowyne dressed doll.
3 pm – 5 pm
Dolly Hugg Boots for Your Doll with Sissy Lingle
Enjoy learning to make your own Dolly Hugg boots 10-, 11-, or 12-inch dolls with Sissy Lingle of Marshrat Mercantile. A simple overhand stitch is all that is needed to sew them together. Materials provided: Patricipants will recieve pieces for one pair of boots already cut from tan, chocolate or pink faux suede/shearling fabric. Also, a packet of decorative items with which to decorate the finished boots, detailed directions and pattern. Attendees must bring: a doll to wear the boots, simple sewing kit, scissors, sharp needles, magnifier and or a needle threader if needed. Please indicate color preference—tan, chocolate, or pink—for boots when signing up for the workshop.
Difficulty level: some skill required.
Price: $40
3 pm - 5pm
Good Bears of the World Charity Auction
Join Good Bears of the World for a special opportunity to be the winning bidder on a special bear. The auction will be held on the show floor of IDEX and promises to be fun and fast paced. 100% of the proceeds of the auction will help Good Bears of the World to keep teddies in the arms of those who need a hug!
4 pm – 5 pm
Steiff Through the Years with Rebekah Kaufman
Since its very beginnings in the late 1800s, the Steiff Company of Giengen, Germany, has been known for its exceptional quality, attention to details, and endearing, timeless designs. Come tkae a stroll with Steiff Consultant and Archivist Rebekah Kaufman down the comanys 130+ year timeline and learn what makes Steiffs teddy bears, dolls, and animals so interesting from the collector and historical perspectivies.
Price: $15
8 pm – 10 pm
IDEX’s 3rd Annual BJD Mixer The Roaring Twenties Speakeasy Experience
IDEX BJD Beacon Award
This year, break out the flapper dresses, long pearl necklaces, and cloche hats for IDEXs speakeasy-style 1920s BJD mixer and meet-up. Join other BJD enthusiasts for some late night fun and be first in line to meet, and have an opportunity to purchase, Jazz Babya Haute Doll exclusive, with 1920s inspired face-up and clothing designed by Val Zeitler and produced by DollHeart and JollyPlus.
Try your luck for some wowza door-prizes and raffle items and a special Charity Raffle of a complete OOAK, Gracelyn, the first BJD by Cristy Stone of Xtreme Dolls. All proceeds from this raffle will go to benefit Canine Castaways and St. Jude Childrens Hospital.
For the full IDEX Speakeasy Experience put on your favorite Roaring Twenties styles, step into the spotlight and win a prize for Best Costume. Then, mug it up in front of the camera with your favorite BJD for a memento of the occasion, sample the bootleg liquor and spend the rest of the evening rubbing elbows with the BJD hoi palloi.
In addition to the excitement and fun of the speakeasy, join us for the first ever IDEX BJD Beacon Award.
The Beacon Award will be presented to someone in the BJD community who is lighting the way for BJDs around the globe.
Price: $45
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Its a Whole Nu Mood™!
Join Robert Tonner and Company as he introduces highlights of the 2012 collection. You will have the oppotunity to win fabulous door prizes and will receive a special, limited-edition 16souvenir doll from the debut Nu Mood™ collection. This cant miss breakfast is only $75 and seating is limited.
9 am – 11 am
Clothespin Dolls with Bev White
Learn how to make your own wooden clothespin doll with Bev White of Happy Thymes Collectibles. Dolls will be wire jointed with a bead for a head. Students must bring: sewing needles and needle-nose pliers. Materials provided: pre-sewn clothing, yarn for the hair, and accessories.
Difficulty level: easy.
Price: $30
9 am – 11 am
Sculpting a Torso with Mark Dennis
Learn to sculpt a male or female torso out of polymer clay from renowned artist and author of The Human Figure in Clay Mark Dennis. All materials will be provided, including armature, clay, handouts, and tools.
Difficulty level: some skill required,
Price: $90
9 am – 11am
Tiny Treasures Reborn Awards Breakfast
Celebrate the art of reborning with Doll Reader and join us for the presentation of the 2012 Tiny Treasures Reborn Awards. Leading up to IDEX, artists will have the opportunity to enter their dolls in the Best Reborn Awards as either a professional or an amateur artist and judged on color application, rooting, and overall artistry. Winners will be announced at this awards breakfast.
Price: $40
1 pm – 2 pm
Creating Sets for Doll Photography with Donn Kinney and Dreux Priore
Learn the different techniques to create scale sets and environments to use when photographing dolls from Donn Kinney and Dreux Priore of Bishonen House. Students will learn about basic materials and construction techniques, then discuss the repurposing of found objects versus creating scratch-built props and the use of digital techniques to extend and enhance handmade environments.
Difficulty level: easy
Price: $25
Международная выставка кукол

Карта - место проведения выставки, Орландо, Флорида.

6677 Sea Harbor Dr
Orlando, FL 32821