Старинные куклы из музея
старинная кукла няня
Фотографии старинных, в основном фарфоровых, кукол - из музея Виктории и Альберта, Лондон, Великобритания.
Музей Виктории и Альберта в Лондоне - сокровищница мирового декоративного искусства. Музей включает в себя 145 галерей, в том числе коллекции скульптуры, мебели, фотографий.
Официальный сайт музея - www.vam.ac.uk/.
Адрес: The Victoria and Albert Museum is located at Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL.
Как добраться: The V&A is ten minute walk from Harrods, Knightsbridge and Hyde Park. If coming from South Kensington Station, take the underground tunnel and follow the directions to the Museums. The V&A entrance will be the second on your right.
The purpose of the Victoria and Albert Museum is to enable everyone to enjoy its collections and explore the cultures that created them; and to inspire those who shape contemporary design.
All our efforts are focused upon a central purpose - the increased use of our displays, collections and expertise as resources for learning, creativity and enjoyment by audiences within and beyond the United Kingdom.