Куклы American Character
Куклы American Character выпускались в Америке в середине 20 века, с 1918 по 1968 год. Они выпускались и виниловые, и из твёрдого пластика. Из разных материалов выпускались куклы Mama Dolls, Campell Kids, и Toodles. Из твёрдого пластика - Sweet Sue, Betsy McCall, и Tiny Tears. Из винила - куклы Tressy, Hedda Get-Bedda, Toni, Ricky Jr. и оригинальные куклы Whimsies.
Слева - American Character Sweet Sue Doll Bride 31" выпуска 1956.
Ранние куклы промаркированы "PETITE", или "A petite doll." Более поздние могут быть с маркировкой "AM CHAR or "AMER CHAR DOLL". Более поздние пластиковые и виниловые куклы маркировались надписью "American Character" в круге, обычно сзади на голове. Может быть указано "American Charactetr Doll Corp", иногда - с датой. А некоторые куклы, например Tiny Tears, могут быть вообще без маркировки или просто с номером. Поэтому определить может быть очень сложно.
В 1950-х годах эти куклы продавались хорошо, а уже в 1960-х рынок заполнила Барби, и вытеснила кукол American Character с рынка, поэтому производство было прекращено в 1968 году. Хотя в ассортименте была кукла-подросток Tressy.
American Character Dolls
Слева - American Character LITTLE RICKY I Love Lucy BABY DOLL.
Dolls Produced by American Character:
American Character dolls produced dolls from 1918 until 1968.
As mentioned, since American Character dolls produced dolls for 50 years during the early to mid-20th Century, they produced composition dolls, hard plastic dolls and vinyl dolls.
Слева - кукла из твёрдого пластика и резины с мягким телом.
Prices and Secondary Market for American Character Dolls
Prices for Amercian Character dolls aren't bringing what they used to, even from three or four short years ago. Today, it takes a completely mint and original doll to break the $200 mark. The most active collecting for American Character dolls is of the Betsy McCall hard plastic doll from the 1950s.
Marks on American Character Dolls
What Happened To American Character Dolls?
Overseas production and Barbie happened to American Character Dolls. After a successful run manufacturing and selling American Character Dolls all the way through the 1950s, Barbie dolls took off in the early 1960s. Although American Character Dolls came out with their own teenage fashion doll Tressy (with hair that grew from the top of her head!) she couldn't successfully compete with Barbie. That, as well as competition from doll companies that successfully manufactured their dolls cheaper overseas, caused American Character Dolls to shut their doors in 1968.
Фото кукол American Character

American Character Sweet Sue Doll Bride 31" выпуска 1956 года.

21" Tall, all vinyl baby doll marked: Amer. Char. Doll on the back of his neck. He has molded painted hair, blue sleep eyes with full upper eyelashes, with lightly painted lower eyelashes, (there is a slight indentation under his left eye, which looks factory done) and an open mouth with hole to accept liquid. He has rosy cheeks, and will clean up nicely, I washed his forehead and the dirt came off, but I have arthritis and the rubbing motion really hurts my hands, so I gave up cleaning him. His body is clean because he was dressed for years in storage. Unfortunately it was not his original clothing. I believe he is "Little Ricky" baby made popular from the I love Lucy TV series. He is nude but comes with a baby undershirt. Нe is heavy!

Zack the Sack American Character Whimsie.

Zack the Sack American Character Whimsie - лицо отдельною

VINTAGE AMERICAN CHARACTER INFANT TOODLES 1958. 14" tall. One eye a bit lazy, body and clothes need a wash. Head is a bit wobbley although maybe she is meant to be that way. No cracks or splits. Includes; dress, undies, slip, shoes and socks. Buyer pays shipping according to zip code, which includes delivery conformation.

VINTAGE AMERICAN CHARACTER INFANT TOODLES 1958, это та же кукла что на предыдущем фото, только голышок

и со спинки

Toodles American Character 1950's Flirty Eyes, портрет

А тут она целиком.Toodles, marked on back of neck AMER CHAR DOLL CORP. She is 21 inches tall, all vinyl, jointed at neck, arms and legs. Flirty eyes with long lashes. Drink and wet Baby. Cryer works.

Toodles American Character 1950's Jointed Knees Elbows.Здесь малыш со сгибающимися локтями и коленками. Хорошие были куклы!Toodles, marked on back of neck AMER CHAR DOLL. 20 inches tall, all vinyl, jointed at neck, arms, elbows, knees and legs. Sleep eyes with long lashes. Drink and wet Baby. Cryer works. Molded hair with paint rubs.


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Это волосы сверху куклы Whimsie, Hilda Hillbilly

Ноги куклы Whimsie, Hilda Hillbilly

а вот и она сама - American Character Whimsie Doll, Hilda Hillbilly.This Rare Whimsie doll was made in 1960-61 by the American Character Doll Co. She is "Hilda the Hillbilly" and is aprox. 23" long. She has open brown eyes with brown painted eyelashes. She has orange hair that is fixed in pony tails.This doll is wearing a red dress with original snaps, black and white apron and panties.


American Character Tiny Tears Doll.14" American Character Tiny Tears Doll. She has a great rubber body and then the hard plastic head. She has a fur wig and her eyes open and close freely. She is marked American Character on the head.

Она же сбоку.

TRIXIE THE PIXIE WHIMSIES AMERICAN CHARACTER, год 1961 1961 TRIXIE THE PIXIE,"Full of sugar and spice, everyone loves me cause I'm naughty but nice.", American Character Whimsie Doll. Trixie measures 20" tall, from the top of her head to the heel on her foot. she is stamped: Whimsie Amer. Doll &Toy Corp 1960 on the middle of her back, and on the back of her neck, her stamp reads: WIMSIES Amer.Doll & Toy Corp .

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