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"The Wind in Willows"
Страниц: 264 (Офсет).
"Great Expectations"
One of Dickens's most renowned and enjoyable novels, Great Expectations tells the story of Pip, an orphan boy who wishes to transcend his humble origins and finds himself unexpectedly given the opportunity to live a life of wealth and respectability. Over the course of the tale, in which Pip encounters such famous characters as Miss Havisham, Herbert Pocket and Joe Gargery, he comes to realise that his money is tainted and the girl he loves will not return his affections; happiness must be found in the things he gave up in pursuit of a more sophisticated life.
Frances Burnett: The Secret Garden
When Mary Lennox is sent home an orphan from India to live with her hunchbacked uncle at Misselthwaite Manor, she can have little idea of the new life that awaits her there. She arrives a sour-faced, sickly little madam with a furious temper, but through her friendship with local Yorkshire lad, Dickon, and their discovery of a secret garden, soon becomes a happy and healthy girl. She shares her new-found love of life with her poorly cousin, Colin, and together the three children restore the garden to its former glory.
Between them they work their magic on the garden, and in turn the garden works its magic on the children and everyone around them. Enchanting and illuminating, "The Secret Garden" is a richly imaginative story about the potential for transformation.
Jane Austen: Sense and Sensibility
Elinor, practical and conventional, is the epitome of sense, Marianne, emotional and sentimental, the embodiment of sensibility.
Their trials in love bring a closer understanding between the two sisters, and true love triumphs as sense gives way to sensibility and sensibility gives way to sense.
Wilkie Collins: The Woman in White
Wilkie Collins' classic story, The Woman in White, is one of the great mystery thrillers of the nineteenth century and beyond. It is a wonderful combination of rich characterisation and cunning melodrama which ensnares the reader from its opening pages.
The novel features one of the strongest heroines of the Victorian Age, Marian Halcombe, who was a revelation for the readers of the time. Although not conventionally attractive, she is a tough, determined and feisty soul, well equipped to travel down the dark and dangerous pathway fate has decreed for her. Also featured is one of the great villains of all literature, the sly, smooth and corpulent Count Fosco, whose eccentric habits both chill and amuse. Since its publication, The Woman in White has never been out of print and has been the subject of numerous theatrical, film and television adaptations, including most recently a musical version by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Charles Dickens: David Copperfield
Dicken's tale of David Copperfield follows him from birth through to his successful career as a novelist.
The novel boasts a famously rich cast of outlandish characters: the glamorous Steerforth, the cheerful Mr Micawber, the villainous Uriah Heep and David's eccentric aunt Betsy Trotwood, among others. Dickens described this energetic and enjoyable novel as his "favourite child" and it is easy to see why.
Страниц: 1263 (Офсет).